Many individuals are unaware or give little thought to why they do or feel things a certain way in the workplace. We each have an instinctual tendency to navigate life and the office in a way that feels most comfortable to us.
New and old team members can easily forget that the way they see the world as individuals is not always how others do - from communication preferences, to the decision making process, and conflict resolution.
Making employees aware of their own personality traits and introducing them to the tendencies of their coworkers can be extremely enlightening and produce lasting effects on company morale, interpersonal working relationships, and team productivity.
Harrison Assessment: measures 175 leadership behavioral traits, identifying your leadership interests, task preferences, key motivators, work values, work environment preferences, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal preferences that lead to maximum job performance and career satisfaction. It also identifies key areas of growth and development, as well as stress behaviors.
Myers Briggs Type Indicator: provides an in-depth, personalized description of your personality preferences. The theory, developed as an application of Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types, suggests that we have different preferences for gaining energy, taking in information, making decisions and dealing with the world around us.
Strengths Finder: gives us a way to look at ourselves through the lens of our top 5 strengths. As leaders, when we focus on our strengths, we are 6 times more likely to be engaged in our work, leading to greater productivity and heightened career satisfaction.
Five Dysfunctions of a Team Assessment
Emotional Intelligence Assessment
Enneagram (Wagner Enneagram Personality Style Scales - WEPSS)
Leadership Effectiveness 360 Survey
Finding Your Why
Invest in Your Values
Strong Interest Inventory
Visual Explorer Images by Center for Creative Leadership
Myers Briggs Booklets on the following topics:
Emotional Intelligence
Decision Making
STAR- Strategic Team Assessment Research, proprietary research developed by Dr. Paul S. Chinowsky,* in partnership with MORF, STAR uses organizational network analysis. It measures what is actually going on in your organization, and is compared to taking an ‘MRI’ of your leadership team or project. It focuses on:
Frequency of Communication: who is talking to whom, who isn’t and why
Reliance: who relies on whom and who doesn’t yet
Professional Trust: who has developed trust and who hasn’t yet
Knowledge Exchange: who’s in the loop and who isn’t
STAR provides objective, real-time analysis that takes the guesswork out of team and organizational development.
Professional Trust Must Be Earned
Trust is considered the backbone of distributed team interaction. Without trust, teams are less willing to communicate, collaborate, or share core knowledge. However, trust does not materialize automatically. Trust must be earned through the network based on actions taken and observed by each individual. This critical trust is built from reliance. As individuals perform as expected and deliver on required work, trust is developed. Organizations must facilitate this reliance and thus foster the development of professional trust.
Geography May Be Closing Doors
An extension of the research underlying the STAR evaluation system is recently focused on proximity and the impact of geography, especially with remote offices and recent acquisitions. The studies are clearly showing that individuals in separate offices may communicate, but show a great hesitation to take the next step and share knowledge. Knowledge exchange within an office does not have the same barrier. It appears that competition for profits among offices may be creating invisible boundaries to knowledge exchange. We talk to people who are situated close to us. Distance can be a barrier and require greater effort.
White Papers & Articles
Teamwork Trumps Talent for Strategic Advantage
Developing Knowledge Landscapes through Project-Based Learning Paul S. Chinowsky; Hyman Brown; Alberto Szajnman; and Allison Realph
Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Behavior in Construction Executives Colleen J. Butler and Paul S. Chinowsky ASCE Full Article
Knowledge Management to Learning Organization Connection Paul Chinowsky and Patricia Carrillo
Learning Organizations in Construction Paul Chinowsky; Keith Molenaar; and Allison Realph
Project Network Interdependency Alignment A New Approach to Assessing Project Effectiveness Paul S. Chinowski; John Taylor; Melissa Dimarco
Social Network Model of Construction Paul Chinowsky; James Diekmann; and Victor Galotti
A Tool for Improving Construction Organizations Innovation Capabilities T. Michael Toole, Paul Chinowsky and Matthew R. Hallowell
Virtual Teams: Guide to Successful Implementation Paul S. Chinowsky, A.M.ASCE, and Eddy M. Rojas, A.M.ASCE
*Paul S. Chinowksy, PhD
Professor of Civil Systems, Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado